The 2024 Junior State and RG Championships was the largest gymnastics competition Tasmania has seen this year.
01 Oct 202401 Oct
On the 6th and 7th September, gymnasts came together from the Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia for an action-packed Bigham Cup. Level 6 and Level 7 WAG gymnasts competed in both Team and Individual events as well as for the prestigious Bigham Cup. For 2024, the overall Bigham Cup proved to be an extremely close contest, ending in a tie shared between the Australia Capital Territory and South Australia! The enthusiastic crowd was entertained as they watched some amazing routines and passes from the gymnasts throughout the two-day event. Friendship, support and camaraderie abounded between the States – officials and gymnasts – and the very supportive crowd! Congratulations to all Teams and Individual gymnasts who competed in this exciting and entertaining event, and especially to those who took away awards.
13 Sept 202413 Sept
The Tasmanian contingent of the Australian Trampoline teams that recently attended the Coimbra GymFest and FIG World Cup & Coimbra GymFest and then backed it up by competing in the Scalabis Cup In Portugal have showed what talent there is in our small state.
12 Aug 202412 Aug
Gymnastics Tasmania and Gymnastics Direct are delighted to announce a joint initiative aimed at enhancing physical education programmes in remote Tasmanian communities. Supported by a grant from the Tasmanian Government, this partnership will enable schools to utilise gymnastics equipment to deliver fundamental movement programs.
08 July 202408 July
Across two jam-packed weeks of competition on the Gold Coast, nearly 50 Tasmanians represented our state at the 2024 Australian National Championships.
28 May 202428 May